Lara Fluxà (Palma, 1985) usually works with elements with their own poetic qualities that are close to us, like water or glass. A Fine Arts graduate with a Masters degree in Artistic Productions and Research from the University of Barcelona, she has specialised in working with glass through different glass-blowing courses in Segovia, Barcelona and La Bisbal. The physical qualities of water and glass have led her to be interested in concepts such as fragility, stability and also scientific experimentation. Her works question the weakness of the balance of ecosystems. She has collaborated with institutions such as Lo Pati, Fundació Joan Miró, Fundació Felícia Fuster, Capella de la Misericòrdia, Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani Es Baluard, Casal Solleric de Palma, Museu Marítim de Barcelona and Arts Santa Mònica, among others.